


Reds are a non-magickal type of Demon which find their way into this world from wherever they are from. They vary in size from 1mm to 1km although by far most of the ones encountered are 1m-3m. 

Redspawn follow variations of the same description. They have a hunched bipedal form with thick legs and clawed toes of a Raptor, four arms which are tentacles, an elephant-like domed head, sensory finger-like facial probes from what would be their jaw, surrounding a maw the shape of a giant leech which retracts and protrudes during feeding, and breathing snouts.

“Protruding from the front of its domed, elephant shaped, brain shaped head, it’s snouts, two short tubes making flapping, snuffling sound as it sniffs, breathes, proboscis like bellows spittling with flecks of lurid moisture.”

Their stance suggests the legs have evolved out of what were once another pair of tentacles. RedSpawn are believed to be cephalopods. They have no tail. Their large skulls are surprisingly light given their size, consisting of calcified shell similar to cuttle-fish. They will butt-heads and wrestle with their tentacles, kicking with their claws to gut their prey. 

What do they want? 

RedSpawn eat meat. They identify all sources of meat as food including Humans. They are indiscriminate. They hunt. They fight and hunt each other if they cannot get food easily which maintains their numbers. They grow rapidly depending on availability of food. Their breeding is by Sporing where any number from one or more will eject mucus into a pit. From this emerge tiny RedSpawn which have not yet developed muscular clawed legs from their lower tentacles. Most of these prey on each other the way spiders eat each other from the same hatching. As they become larger the adults will prey on them if no other food is available. Only a minority reach larger size. The very large ones are considered a good source for a whole group. Groups hunt as packs which will band together to take down larger ones to feed the majority rather than to be eaten by the larger ones. 


RedSpawn shape mud using their mucus into a pod large enough for them to sleep upright in. It offers some level of hiding from others as they seem unable to identify the pods as dwelling places of others of their species. Where many pods are found in an area they will often use communal pools for spawning. This depends on available food sources. 




This year has been too short, too quickly. 

So far I did not do much RPG. 

Have been busy on other projects, writing, publishing, networking. 

I did build a cute little roleplaying game system

specially for use in the medium of SecondLife.

I did build a cute little secret roleplaying lair to hang out 

and do live mic games in SecondLife,


NOT "roleplaying" like how it usually means in SL; this is OldSchool

Your avi (avatar) will sit in a circle around a table or a camp-fire,

while we actually talk on mic. 

Yeah that scared the crap out of me too at first but its not so bad, 

you soon get used to it as you get over your ego's self-doubts. 

D10 system is simple and the story is improvised live. 

The Tome  is available on marketplace

(interactive book, not a HUD).

The Scrolls are available on marketplace


The following is the complete content of The Tome / The Scrolls.

©2024 Ordo Octopia. All Rights Reserved.

Permission to use for personal use, non-for-profit, where fully accredited. 

T H E   T O M E


NIMBLE a measure of speed and athletics

BRAWN a measure of toughness 

GUILE a measure of wits and charisma  

MANNA a measure of magical energy 

At the beginning the game you have 3,4,5,6 points to assign to these four categories. 


Scout/Thief: Nimble & Guile 

Wizard: Manna and Guile 

Warrior: Brawn & Nimble 

Monk: Nimble & Manna  

All STATISTICS are tested by rolling 1D10

( one times a Ten-sided dice). 

Scores equal to or less than your Statistic value are successful. 

Scores higher than your Statistic value are fails. 


This is your Profession, Occupation, Type.

It describes what Skill Set your character has.

RANK :   Novice +1   Adept +2   Master +3

Skills Test Modifiers; 

add your Rank to the relevant Statistic 

for a Skill which is covered by your characters Specialism.

eg; casting a spell, wielding a weapon, picking a lock, praying for healing, crafting an item, etc. 

Easy, Normal, Hard

Standard Skill Test: 

Specialism Rate plus Relevant Statistic value. This is the target number. 

ie; 0 to 3 + 1 to 10 (between 1 and 13)

x2 If it is Easy: 

Statistic + Rate  x 2  = target number.

ie; ((0 to 3) + (1 to 10)) x 2 

(between 2 and 26)

/2 If it is Hard:

Statistic + Rate  / 2  = target number. 

ie; ((0 to 3) + (1 to 10)) / 2

(between 1 and 7)

To Test: 

In all cases, Roll 1D10. 

Score equal or less than target number to succeed. 

NB effects are cumulative. eg; 

Hard = moving wearing plate armour  = /2

Hard = in a swamp = /2 

Both at the same time = /4 


Choose if you will Attack or Defend. 

Roll 1D10 add your Nimble or Brawn score 

(ie; Brawn for strike or block, Nimble for melee or dodge).

Highest score wins the Combat Round.

Attack vs Attack; both combatants inflict damage.

Attack vs Defend; Defend wins, Attack fails.*

Defend vs Defend; stand-off, no damage.

Damage is brutal, often decisive. Rule of Realism.

Damage is inflicted numerically by applying Modifiers to Statistics 

(divide by 50% for every Wound) 

and is role-played as story.

*Severity is determined by 

Attackers Score minus Defenders Score

(1 light - 5 heavy)


Magic has five components. 






The amount of Manna used is how powerful the Result is. 

Imagine it as energy flowing through a grid made of the Runes (element/control). 

The Intention and Result are not always the same.

Manna statistic is tested by rolling a D10,

 scoring equal or less to succeed. 

Your character knows as many Runes as s/he has Manna points. 

You need a Specialist Skill Set to use Magic (safely).


There are two sorts of Runes used in combination. 


1 Air

2 Water

3 Earth

4 Fire

5 Stone

6 Metal

7 Plant

8 Flesh

9 Spirit 

10 Mechanical

11 Time

12 Manna


1 Grow / Shrink

2 Harden / Soften 

4 Attract / Repel

5 Bind / Free  

6 Harmony / Chaos

Elements; external               Controls; internal

Choice is Responsibility

Accountability for 

Consequences of 

Intent & Result


Magic attracts Demons.

There are two types of Demon.

Imps and Djin.

Imps are common and relatively low powered.

Imps have a maximum Manna pool of 3.

Djin are more powerful.

Djin have a minimum Manna pool of 5. 

Demons are usually happy to help a magician on condition they receive something in return. 

It can sometimes be a gift of Manna, it is usually to perform a Task on behalf of the Demon. 

Anyone who attempts to trick a Demon may find themselves annihilated, enslaved, cursed or tormented. 

A very common useful story device is Demons Geas. 

A Demon has the power of Geas. 

This is a condition placed upon a person to allow them to access their Manna, 

to be be able to use magic. 

It is a challenge, or a ritual, or a deal, an action to be performed. 

It is usually relative to the desired outcome of whatever Spell the magician was attempting to perform 

which caught the attention of the Demon in the first place.