Player Character Family & Tribe
A simple and flexible system for generating character backgrounds in a medieval fantasy world inspired by Iron Age Celts, Vikings, and Irish culture. The system uses a flow-chart of interconnected tables that can be navigated with D6 rolls.
Step 1: Roll for Family Origin (D6)
1. Noble Lineage: Your family is of noble or chieftain blood.
2. Warrior Clan: Your family is known for their martial prowess.
3. Mystic Lineage: Your family has ties to druids, seers, or magical traditions.
4. Craftsmen or Artisans: Your family produces fine tools, weapons, or art.
5. Outcasts or Wanderers: Your family is shunned, nomadic, or dishonored.
6. Common Folk: Farmers, herders, or traders with no notable status.
Step 2: Family Circumstances (D6)
1. Prosperous: Your family is wealthy or influential.
2. Hard Times: Your family has struggled recently.
3. Tragic Loss: You are the last or one of the few survivors of your family.
4. Feud: Your family has an active feud with another group or clan.
5. Respected: Your family is well-regarded in your community.
6. Exiled: Your family was forced to leave their homeland.
Step 3: Sibling or Family Member Relationships (D6)
1. Sibling Rivalry: A sibling or close relative is jealous of or hostile to you.
2. Beloved Mentor: An older sibling or family member taught you valuable skills.
3. Lost Sibling: A sibling is missing, presumed dead, or estranged.
4. Protective Bond: A sibling or relative is fiercely loyal to you.
5. Inherited Rivalry: Your relationship is strained by a feud or inherited grudge.
6. No Siblings: You are an only child, but roll on the Mentors table.
Step 4: Tribal Connections (D6)
1. Close-Knit Tribe: Your tribe is strong and cohesive, providing support.
2. Rival Tribe: Your tribe is in conflict with another group.
3. Respected Tribe: Your tribe is known for its wisdom or prowess.
4. Wandering Tribe: Your tribe is semi-nomadic or unsettled.
5. Disgraced Tribe: Your tribe has fallen out of favor or been defeated.
6. Isolated Tribe: Your tribe is mysterious and secretive.
Step 5: Mentors (D6)
1. Druid or Seer: A mystic taught you the ways of the gods or nature.
2. Veteran Warrior: A battle-scarred fighter passed on their skills.
3. Parent or Guardian: A family member trained you.
4. Local Elder: A wise elder of your tribe guided you.
5. No Mentor: You learned through trial and error.
6. Fallen Mentor: Your teacher died, disappeared, or betrayed you.
Step 6: Allies (D6)
1. Blood-Bonded Ally: A sworn companion from a bonding ritual.
2. Childhood Friend: A lifelong companion from your youth.
3. Tribal Ally: Someone from your tribe owes you loyalty.
4. Unlikely Ally: An ally from an enemy tribe or culture.
5. Mystical Ally: A spirit, fae, or druidic figure aids you.
6. Mercenary Ally: A hired companion fights alongside you for now.
Step 7: Nemesis (D6)
1. Betrayed by Family: A family member turned against you.
2. Rival Warrior: A rival from your tribe or another group seeks your downfall.
3. Outsider Enemy: A foreigner or invader threatens you.
4. Cursed Foe: A mystical being has marked you as an enemy.
5. Feuding Clan: A member of a feuding clan actively opposes you.
6. No Nemesis (Yet): You’ve avoided major enemies so far.
Family Members
A detailed system for generating the specified family members and useful background information using flow-chart tables with D6 rolls. Each table is designed to give a cohesive and dynamic family history that enhances a character’s backstory.
Step 1: Children
Roll a D6 to determine the number of children (if relevant):
1-3: No children
4-5: 1 child
6: 2+ children (roll D6: 1-3 = 2 children; 4-5 = 3 children; 6 = 4 children)
Roll for each child’s status (D6):
1-2: Alive and lives with the character
3: Alive but lives elsewhere (reason below)
4: Died young (roll on the Death Table)
5: Lost contact/missing (reason below)
6: Adopted or fostered (lives elsewhere)
If they live elsewhere, roll for location (D6):
1-2: Same village/region
3-4: Nearby town or settlement
5: Different region, possibly distant
6: Traveling or nomadic
For their age (relative to the character):
Roll D6: 1-3 = Younger child; 4-6 = Older child.
Step 2: Siblings
Roll a D6 to determine the number of siblings:
1: No siblings
2-3: 1 sibling
4-5: 2-3 siblings
6: 4+ siblings (roll D6 for exact number: 1-2 = 4, 3-4 = 5, 5-6 = 6+)
Roll for each sibling’s status (D6):
1-3: Alive and lives nearby
4: Alive but estranged (reason below)
5: Deceased (roll on the Death Table)
6: Missing or unknown
Roll for sibling relationship to the character (D6):
1-2: Close and supportive
3: Rivalry or competitive
4: Neutral or distant
5: Hostile
6: Protective or dependent
For their age (relative to the character):
Roll D6: 1-2 = Older; 3-4 = Same age (twin or close in age); 5-6 = Younger.
Step 3: Parents
Roll for the status of each parent (D6):
1-2: Alive and lives nearby
3: Alive but distant (geographically or emotionally)
4-5: Deceased (roll on the Death Table)
6: Missing or unknown
Roll for their skills or profession (D6):
1: Farmer, herder, or fisher
2: Artisan or craftsman (specific craft below)
3: Warrior or guard
4: Merchant or trader
5: Druid, seer, or healer
6: Wanderer, exile, or outlaw
If deceased, roll for age at death (D6):
1: Died young (before 30)
2-3: Middle-aged (30-50)
4-5: Elderly (50+)
6: Mystical or unnatural death
Step 4: Aunts and Uncles
Roll for the number of aunts/uncles (D6):
1: None
2-3: 1-2 (roll D6 for exact number)
4-5: 3-4 (roll D6 for exact number)
6: 5+
Roll for each one’s status (D6):
1-3: Alive and part of your life
4: Estranged or distant
5: Deceased (roll on the Death Table)
6: Exiled, missing, or unknown
Roll for their skills or profession (D6):
1-2: Similar to your parents
3: Warrior or raider
4: Druid or mystic
5: Trader or merchant
6: Adventurer or wanderer
Step 5: Grandparents
Roll for the status of each grandparent (D6):
1: Alive (elderly, roll D6: 1-3 = frail; 4-6 = spry)
2-4: Deceased (roll on the Death Table)
5: Legendary ancestor (famous or infamous deeds)
6: Unknown or forgotten
Roll for their wealth (D6):
1-2: Poor
3-4: Average
5: Wealthy or influential
6: Lost wealth (former prestige)
Roll for their legacy (D6):
1: No significant legacy
2: Local legend or hero
3: Known for a particular skill or craft
4: Famed warrior or mystic
5: Cursed or dishonored
6: Unknown, mysterious figure
Step 6: Great-Grandparents
Roll for their significance (D6):
1-2: Average ancestors, little known
3-4: Known for a specific achievement or failure
5: Revered ancestor (legendary status)
6: Connection to a mystical event or being
Roll for their fate (D6):
1-3: Died of natural causes
4: Perished in battle
5: Victims of a tragedy (famine, disease, etc.)
6: Mysterious disappearance or death
Step 7: Death Table (D6)
1: Natural causes (old age or illness)
2: Battle or conflict
3: Tragic accident
4: Disease or famine
5: Execution or murder
6: Mystical or supernatural cause
Step 8: Wealth and Status Table (D6)
1: Impoverished
2-3: Modest living
4: Comfortable or self-sufficient
5: Wealthy or influential
6: Ruler or leader
Step 9: Region Table (D6)
1-2: Same village or settlement as the character
3-4: Neighboring village or region
5: Distant region within the same culture
6: Foreign or enemy culture
These interconnected tables allow for the generation of detailed family relationships, histories, and relevant details that enhance roleplaying.