Moonstone Hill


Moonstone Hill

Moonstones in RPG is a trope. Moonstone Hills from northern Allansia in the wonderful Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks. The 90s videogame Moonstone on Amiga. The 2010s tabletop RPG game Moonstone. 

Moonstones are a type of gemstone. 

In my games moonstone is used by werewolves to help the tame their inner beast. Wearing of moonstone pendants as a tribal heirloom within a werewolf pack. 

Moonstone Hill is a rise in a forest mountain region where a huge moonstone attracts werewolves to hang out there. 

One day while walking my dog I discovered a small piece of stone with a fossilised crystalized shell inside of it, the shape of a crescent moon. 

That’s the standing stone to use in the terrain for Moonstone Hill!!!