Game Strategy is a lifelong study.
It relies on:
1 System Of Analysis
2 Knowledge of Responses
In storytelling roleplaying games the GameMaster uses these two items to keep the story progressing regardless of the random chaos which players throw at it.
Best method is to use the Player innovation and weave it together with the Story arc. We use the symbolism of a rail-road to imagine the story arc as it would play out with no players at all (only NPCs) and with the players doing exactly what the perfect textbook responses should be in an ideal world which of course rarely happens.
The GMs task is railroad the PCs onto the track? Subtly without overt denial of their imaginations and suggestions.
‘Railroading’ is a GM fail when used as a method of operation.
Occasionally ‘railroading’ occurs as a necessity to deal with by explaining the Players imagination takes the story outside the scope of the 1-shot capabilities although it is better suited for world-building in a Campaign. This is a lesser of two evils.
The GMs task is to integrate the Players imaginations into the story to enhance the otherwise basic and boring adventure path.
This is much preferable because it gives the players validation. It is the validation they are paying you to experience through the medium of fantasy adventure scenario.