1000 Years Before
“The bed is musky with comfort. The sheets are clean of dirt but smell of gentle love, self-pleasure and an occasional lover. It is as she likes it and finding an emotional warmth from this attachment, how her lovers enjoy her also.”
The symbol of this bed is the fabric of the world we share, you and I and those for whom we present an entertainment of imagination, exploration of the moral dilemmas we encounter by which consequences of our decisions and actions create and share the world with others around us and those yet to come. This is the gift of our Ancestors for without whose decisions we simply would not be here and the here would be somewhat different. This is the connection we have with the living world of Life which flows through us to remind us our responsibility, to ourselves and to all, to choose wisely what we do to shape our living.
1000 Years Before is the link between the old era and the world as presented in the roleplaying game Witch West Wild Wood. 1000 Years before is a supplement for that game taking place on The Other Continent during a time where civilisation came, long before the colonies. A time when the Jungle Tribes were still barbarians at war, their own once great civilisation having fallen through internal sabotage, events which will be explored in the next supplement entitled 2000 Years Before, a time where desert nomads of The Other Continent had not discovered agriculture nor laid the first adobe brick of what later become the Empire of Sultans.
There is no intention to develop this world further beyond that. To do so would overlap territory already developed by third parties nothing to do with us other than as inspiration. Those products have already done it better than we have time to dance with.
WWWW and 1000 Years Before and 2000 Years Before are created to fill a niche in the RolePlaying Worlds our collective consciousness is imagineering. The supplements are designed to be played independently of each other although set in the same world at different times of its history. Through their progression we come to understand the awareness that civilisations rise and fall, reminding us to take stock of wherever we may be within our own civilisation and more importantly, the impact we as individuals and collectively have on the outcome of that.
The masterplan is to explore events and reasons leading up to the turning point where a great empire falls into decline and the aftermath of that. This provides a loose macro-structure for the world explored through role-playing sessions. As an open-ended story-based environment it tis the consequences of what the Players decide their Characters should do which have impact upon the world around them. Perhaps Fate is inevitable and no matter what the characters, events beyond their control will affect the Histories regardless. Or perhaps they may take history in a different direction that 1000 Years Later finds us in a world entirely unlike those proposed in the core books because the critical events having them could never have come to be.
This is a game about developing Responsibility, taking Accountability for our behaviour, or not. The one simple logical rule to guide his through that is how all stories are formed by the development of consequences based upon The Most Probable Reaction To And Outcome Of That Action. This applies to normal mundane everyday tasks such as throwing a half-eaten apple out of the window means in fifty years there is an apple tree next to the old ruined building, or as flamboyant as the effects of a world-shattering magical spell which split a mountain means there is now a mountain-pass in that part of the world connecting Hither and Thither where otherwise those two groups may never have come into contact and warred, traded, integrated, procreated.
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