Re-Thonking the Logic

In fantasy worlds, magic is part of those worlds. 

This is where I had a problem with D&D. 

From reading Dragonlance, 
there is a terrifying scene where a dragon flames the adventuring group.
 Its fire melts the very stone of the town they are in. 

I thought to myself; 
If there are dragons in the world which can melt stone, 
surely the effort of building castles is a stupid waste of time and energy?

Perhaps wizards built the buildings using magic.
If that is so, why would the buildings all look like they are made of bricks? 
Surely it’s easier to shift the rock into the shape of caves? 
Even caves with straight walls? 
The civilisation of a world with fire-breathing dragons and magic 
would not be the same as medieval Europe.

A classic example of how I over-think everything. 

The fun of that world outweighs the logic of it.