In my vast realm of experience,
the biggest single comment since after* the year 2000
about why people have no interest
in becoming involved in RolePlaying Games is;
“Too many rules”
This poses a considerable problem for potential new players.
Do we need an easier rpg system?
The Applies To Everything D6 Chart
1 - fail
2 - nearly but no
3 - skin of your teeth
4 - adequate pass
5 - commendable success
6 - mega win and then some
The same odds apply for a lucky idiot as for a God.
See that lovely bit of equality right there?
* before the Year 2000?
“That’s what beta caste boys do”
said the girls
as they simped the manly jocks.
“That’s what nerds do.”
said the jocks
as they ground our faces in the tarmac to impress the simping girls.
Yes believe it or not kids,
there was a time when being a nerd was not as cool as it is now.
We stuck with it.
We won.
Be grateful you did not have to live through the dark days of
TheSatanicPanic ™